Polk CDC is dedicated to serving the needs of low and moderate income residents of Polk County, Oregon. We provide housing and programs for families, children, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities and other special needs.
Many of our programs are restricted to households making less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) based on their household size. See the most recent income limits
here . Explore our website or contact our office to find out if you might qualify for any of our programs.
Polk CDC believes that open and diverse communities are strong communities. We strive to reflect the diversity of Polk County and to promote openness and understanding among our clients, staff, and board members. Polk CDC is an equal opportunity employer and is subject to Fair Housing laws.
The Polk County population of 79,391 lies in the middle of Oregon’s beautiful Willamette Valley, one of the United States’ most fertile agricultural regions, and is surrounded by the forests of the Coast Range to the west and the Willamette River to the east. It includes the cities of Dallas (the county seat), Independence, Monmouth, and Falls City, as well as portions of Salem and Willamina and the unincorporated communities of Rickreall and Grand Ronde. Polk County is also home to Monmouth’s Western Oregon University, Oregon’s oldest public college.